One Quote + One Note + One Question January 4, 2023

One Quote
By some mysterious grace, the light of the Christ who lived in history comes into our present experience with spiritual power, and the hope of the Christ who will return in glory to renew all things also brings power into our lives. Eternity intersects Time.

- Bobby Gross, Living the Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God


One Note
Today is the 11th Day of Christmastide because Christmas is a season, not a day. This news is good news because we had to cancel all of our Christmas plans that were supposed to take place December 24th-29th due to illness. We had a very full and chaotic Christmas planned, and I was excited about it. Then, three of us got the flu. My mom and her new puppy came to Birmingham for a few days after we all recovered, which was nice. (Puppies sure make everything better.) But Christmas hasn’t felt much like Christmas. It's not what I planned. I got something else. 

I received some good things this Christmas. A delightful dinner with a dear friend who was in town. Some good casual family time. Ted Lasso. The Christmastide Retreats led by Lauren Winner. Lots of seasonally appropriate music. But the main thing I wanted the most didn't come through for me.

On Tuesday night, on the Ninth Day of Christmas, Tim, the kids, and I had a rescheduled family Christmas celebration. Sort of. We didn't go out to eat at a fancy restaurant because Covid is everywhere. We got takeout instead, and it felt rushed and snuck in between other things we all wanted and needed to do because Brady was flying out early the following day to return to his boarding school in Asheville. Tim is back at work. I'm working and writing more. Riley's college classes will start back soon so she’s back at her dorm. It's no longer "the holidays." Our Christmas celebration was nice enough but also sad.

When I let go of my defenses and welcome sadness and disappointment about something particular, say, having a bad Christmas, sometimes I notice other things I'm sad about, say, a friendship that’s been hard lately for various reasons.

So, during our re-do family Christmas gathering, we celebrated Christmas together. And I was sad.

There's more good news, though. Christmastide doesn't need me to participate fully or with excessive joy, delight, rainbows, and unicorns for it to be Christmastide. "The light of Christ who lived in history comes into our present experience with spiritual power, and the hope of Christ who will return in glory to renew all things also brings power into our lives. Eternity intersects Time."

And Time is big enough to hold my significant Christmastide disappointment alongside my mild-to-moderate levels of joy. Time is big enough to hold memories of Christmases past and hope for Christmases future.

That night on the Ninth Day of Christmas held everything. That's what time does. And, if what I believe about our Triune God (when my doubts aren't winning because sometimes that happens) is true, everything time holds today and everything time held on Tuesday night will be renewed and restored one day in the future.

And this news diminishes the sadness a bit. 

Until next time,



One Question
What interruptions to your plans and disruptions to your schedule have you had to navigate over the past couple of months?


One Statement About My Faith
I'm a Christian, but I am not pushy about issues connected to faith and spirituality. I want my readers, clients, and broader audience to know I'm a progressive contemplative Christian, and several of my spiritual direction clients come from other (or zero!) faith traditions. Many people aren't even sure what they believe. 

My primary goal for One O'Clock Central--and all of my work--is to help people notice how they belong to themselves, others, and the world. This exploration of belonging to time is a sort of soulful noticing common to all humans regardless of one's faith tradition or lack thereof.

One Happy Birthday Instagram Post for My Son

One List of Gatherings Happening This Month
January 2-30:
Spiritual Direction for Writers® Co-Writing Sessions, Online
January 7:
Retreat Room Launch and Open House, Birmingham
January 14:
Paris Avenue Writers' Group with Tania De'Shawn, Birmingham
January 21: Thoughtful Readers Gathering with Cole Arthur Riley and Black Liturgies, Online, Free & Paid
Janury 25: HappyWomenDinners with Katie Horwitch and Want Your Self, Birmingham
January 27: Spiritual Direction for Writers® Revision Stations Designed by Lauren F. Winner, Online
January 27: Online Seminar for Moms Who Write with Sessions for All Caregivers & Those Who Have Experienced Lament and Loss around Motherhood, Online, Free & Paid
January 28: Thoughtful Readers Gathering with Amy Long and Codependence, Online, Free & Paid

Charlotte Donlon’s writing and work are always rooted in helping her readers, audience, and clients notice how art and other good things help them belong to themselves, others, the divine, and the world. Charlotte is the founder of Thoughtful Books Etc.™, One O’Clock Central, Spiritual Direction for Writers® , Spiritual Direction for Belonging™, and Parenting with Art™. Her first book was The Great Belonging: How Loneliness Leads Us to Each Other. Her next book on Spiritual Direction for Writers will be published by Eerdmans in 2024 or 2025. Charlotte’s essays have appeared in The Washington Post, The Curator, The Christian Century, Christianity Today, Catapult, The Millions, Mockingbird, and elsewhere. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and a certificate in spiritual direction. To receive Charlotte’s latest updates, news, announcements, and all kinds of good things, subscribe to Thoughtful Readers Etc. + Five Good Things.


One Quote + One Note + One Question January 5, 2024


One Quote + One Note + One Question January 3, 2024